Customer Relations Management

Customer relations management (CRM) generally applies a software-based approach to handling customers and customer data. However, at OCG, we recognize that successful CRM solutions require an integrated, comprehensive and holistic approach. It’s a process that’s both theoretical and practical. With proven expertise and progressive technology, OCG works to ultimately transform every lead into an ultimate deal.

CRM process, start to finish:

Front Office
Face-to-face interactions and telecommunications systems

Back Office
Billing, maintenance, planning, marketing, creative advertising, finance, manufacturing and enterprise resource planning

Business Relationships
Collaborative marketing strategies and interaction with other companies and partners: suppliers, vendor networks, outlets, distributors, lobbying groups, trade associations and industry resource directories

Operational Efficiency
Streamline staff productivity, software integration, field time

Collect and analyze CRM data to maximize targeted marketing, conceive business strategies and execute ROI Analysis on all CRM activities

CRM technology and software:

  • Displays call sheets from sales staff, presenting results in easy-to-understand tables, charts or graphs.
  • Produces activity reports, info requests, order and fulfillment records, increasing hands-on control for business and sales managers.
  • Provides target market research data: demographics, psychographics, product acceptance or problems, environmental scanning
  • Tracks competitive products, advertising and promotional marketing
  • Identify highly-profitable or problem customers
  • Coordinate with department teams, particularly marketing, production and finance
  • Tracks sales-force performance measures, such as revenue per sales person or territory, number of calls per day, time spent per contact, revenue per call, cost per call, ratio of orders to calls revenue as a percentage of sales quota, number of new customers per period, number of lost customers per period